Teacher Appreciation Night in Lincolnton

Lincolnton Teachers Appreciation

Collected by Brother Mayle

June 5, 2019

Thank you to Sister Janice Maloney, Public Affairs Specialist, for preparing this article and providing the photos.

Teacher appreciation Lincolnton Ward

The Lincolnton Ward held a special event on May 8, 2019, to honor Teacher Appreciation Week.  Students from the Lincolnton Ward submitted the names of their favorite teacher and wrote how those teachers had impacted their lives. Invitations were sent to the teachers inviting them to come to an Award Event honoring them on May 8th at our Church Building. Thirty-Eight teachers came!  

Teacher appreciation

The event started with a Welcome by Carter Peavy (Young Mens) and then an opening song, “Teach Me To Walk In the Light”.  Three talks were then given, two by Primary children and one by Bishop Stoddard. Bishop Stoddard talked about Jesus being the Master Teacher.

Teacher appreciation

The Primary children of the ward then sang “Children All Over the World”, directed by Sister Cami Guffey.  Next, Jonas Guffey (Young Mens) and Gabby Johnson (Young Womens) asked students and their teachers to come forward as they read what their student wrote about them. The teachers were presented with award certificates.   The closing song was “As I Have Loved You”, and the prayer was offered by Susanna Rice.

Food and refreshments were set out on beautiful tables for all to enjoy. Everyone lingered over the food and took pictures of the teachers and students.

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