Missionary Update – Elder Xiong

Elder Xiong and the happy people of Thailand!

Missionary Update – Elder Lee

Elder Lee – Bringing the Gospel to the people of Sacramento

Missionary Update – Elder Lutz

I’m serving in the Mongolia, Ulaanbaatar Mission. I love my mission so much. We have had great success bringing souls unto Christ. I’ve never met people who are so humble and grateful for everything they have.

Missionary Update – President and Sister Melonakos

The greatest thing about a mission is the people you get to know and love, and then seeing the hand of the Lord in your life and theirs. We have great relationships with so many members and friends in all five of our countries. It’s not easy being a member of the church here — our valiant members have often sacrificed a lot as they have entered and walked on the covenant path. We also now have 150 missionaries who are like sons and daughters to us! We also have many, many senior missionaries with whom we have loving, lasting friendships.

Missionary Update – Elder Lutz

Missionary Update – Elder Lutz

I’m serving in the Mongolia, Ulaanbaatar Mission. I love my mission so much. We have had great success bringing souls unto Christ. I’ve never met people who are so humble and grateful for everything they have.

Missionary Update – President and Sister Melonakos

Missionary Update – President and Sister Melonakos

The greatest thing about a mission is the people you get to know and love, and then seeing the hand of the Lord in your life and theirs. We have great relationships with so many members and friends in all five of our countries. It’s not easy being a member of the church here — our valiant members have often sacrificed a lot as they have entered and walked on the covenant path. We also now have 150 missionaries who are like sons and daughters to us! We also have many, many senior missionaries with whom we have loving, lasting friendships.

Where are they now? – Whitaker Family

Where are they now? – Whitaker Family

Kevin and Lori Whitaker called the Hickory Stake their home for many wonderful years before a work-related transfer in 2008 took the family to Texas. Kevin served as Stake President of the Hickory Stake from November 2004 to November 2008… The Whitakers shared how much they love and miss the people in Hickory.

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