Self-Reliance Spotlight – Sister Trimnal

Sandra Trimnal

Collected by Brother Mayle

April 30, 2019

Sister Sandra Trimnal of the Statesville Ward attended the church’s “Personal Finances for Self-Reliance” class.  The class was held each Sunday after church for 12 weeks and was facilitated by Brother Matt and Sister Martha Scott.  This round of classes was attended by about 6-8 people each week.

What did you enjoy about the class?

Sandra Trimnal with Matt Scott and Martha Scott
Sister Trimnal with facilitators Matt and Martha Scott

The class was more than just about finance.  It helped me build confidence, assisted me in spiritual growth as well as gaining financial skills, and helped me become a better person.

What did you gain from the class?

I learned new skills as a result of the class.  Some of what I gained was the result of the material and the facilitators, but I also learned a great deal from the other students as we all shared our own journeys.  One of the greatest skills that I learned related to budgeting.  As a person on a fixed income, the lessons I learned about tracking and managing my expenses were really helpful.  I was able to find some expenses to cut and funnel the savings in to an emergency fund.  When I later had some car expenses, including the need to replace a tire, I was happy to have the money set aside for the unexpected expense.

How did you benefit spiritually from the class?

The lessons learned helped me gain spiritual confidence.  I sometimes have trouble letting go of possessions.  Through the lessons I learned in the class and from the other students, I was able to let go of some items.  I even donated several items to the Young Women’s fundraiser for camp that ended up bringing a sizable amount of money at a yard sale.  I felt great that I was able to contribute to this fundraiser.  The class also helped me strengthen my already strong testimony of tithing and fast offerings.  I was able to see how paying my tithes and offerings directly blessed my ability to implement a budget.

Would you recommend the class to others?

I feel that the class would benefit everyone, but particularly young people who are just getting started with managing their finances.  While it is never too late to learn, I wish I knew some of these skills earlier. 

Thank you Sister Trimnal for sharing your experiences with the self-reliance finance class!

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