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Hickory Stake Institute Summer 2022

Summer Institute 2022

The Hickory Stake Institute will be starting its Summer Semester on May 5, 2022. The course of study for the Summer semester is Religion 341 – Latter-day Saint History. The course material is Saints Volume 1: 1815-1846. Classes are held each Thursday evening from...
Elder Spencer Farr

Missionary Update – Elder Spencer Farr

What have I learned – The prínciple of 4 floor last door. When we make Sacrifices, when we work until 9:30, work through the pouring Rain, when we do things that are uncomfortable for us, that is when the Lord steps in and the miracles happen. “It’s after all we have done that we are saved by grace” 2 Nephi 25:23

Sister Missionary

Missionary Update – Sister Makinna Blalock

I have learned so much and I know I will continue to learn. Heavenly Father is always there and I have been able to feel his love more than ever as I’ve turned to him.

Sister Guffey

Missionary Update – Sister Emily Guffey

Sister Emily Guffey serves in the Utah St. George Mission. Why did she go on a mission? “I want everyone to have a chance to hear the message that comes from the Book of Mormon – that God loves His children, that there is life after death, that there is a way for families to be together forever – and I don’t want to be the reason that somebody doesn’t get to hear that.”

Missionary Update – Sister Jensen

Missionary Update – Sister Jensen

Going to church and having the gospel in my life put those trials in perspective and allowed me to overcome them and become better because of them. Because I could see the difference it made in my life, the Lord blessed me with a strong desire to serve and share that joy with others.

Where are they now? – Whitaker Family

Where are they now? – Whitaker Family

Kevin and Lori Whitaker called the Hickory Stake their home for many wonderful years before a work-related transfer in 2008 took the family to Texas. Kevin served as Stake President of the Hickory Stake from November 2004 to November 2008… The Whitakers shared how much they love and miss the people in Hickory.