Missionary Update – Elder Cornia

I’m in the McAllen Texas Mission. My mission takes the whole Río Grande Valley on the southern border of Texas. It covers from Laredo to Brownsville and than back up to Corpus Christi. My mission is the only mission in the United States where everyone is called to serve both English and Spanish.

Missionary Update – President and Sister Melonakos

The greatest thing about a mission is the people you get to know and love, and then seeing the hand of the Lord in your life and theirs. We have great relationships with so many members and friends in all five of our countries. It’s not easy being a member of the church here — our valiant members have often sacrificed a lot as they have entered and walked on the covenant path. We also now have 150 missionaries who are like sons and daughters to us! We also have many, many senior missionaries with whom we have loving, lasting friendships.

Missionary Update – Sister Blalock

I was afraid that I didn’t know enough. Something that I have learned is that you are never going to know everything and that’s okay! I do know that Jesus Christ is my Savior and Redeemer! I know that if you turn to Him you can feel peace, joy, and comfort. I know that this is His Restored church and I know that because of Him, I can live with my family for forever. This is enough. I know that as anyone bears a small and simple testimony, the Savior will magnifying your words and your efforts.

Called to Serve – Elder Barzee

I prayed about it to the Lord and I knew that it was where I was supposed to be and I have one of the strongest desires to go and serve there.

Missionary Update – Elder Lutz

Missionary Update – Elder Lutz

I’m serving in the Mongolia, Ulaanbaatar Mission. I love my mission so much. We have had great success bringing souls unto Christ. I’ve never met people who are so humble and grateful for everything they have.

Missionary Update – Elder Cornia

Missionary Update – Elder Cornia

I’m in the McAllen Texas Mission. My mission takes the whole Río Grande Valley on the southern border of Texas. It covers from Laredo to Brownsville and than back up to Corpus Christi. My mission is the only mission in the United States where everyone is called to serve both English and Spanish.

Missionary Update – President and Sister Melonakos

Missionary Update – President and Sister Melonakos

The greatest thing about a mission is the people you get to know and love, and then seeing the hand of the Lord in your life and theirs. We have great relationships with so many members and friends in all five of our countries. It’s not easy being a member of the church here — our valiant members have often sacrificed a lot as they have entered and walked on the covenant path. We also now have 150 missionaries who are like sons and daughters to us! We also have many, many senior missionaries with whom we have loving, lasting friendships.

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