Missionary Update – Elder Connor

Elder Connor with fellow Elders of the Accra Ghana Mission.

Missionary Update – Elder Xiong

Elder Xiong and the happy people of Thailand!

Missionary Update – Elder Lee

Elder Lee – Bringing the Gospel to the people of Sacramento

Missionary Update – Elder Lutz

I’m serving in the Mongolia, Ulaanbaatar Mission. I love my mission so much. We have had great success bringing souls unto Christ. I’ve never met people who are so humble and grateful for everything they have.

Missionary Update – Sister Garcia

Missionary Update – Sister Garcia

The mission is a pressure cooker of growth and it is so, so amazing. I never thought I would serve a mission but here I am, and i have never regretted this decision. I promise that if you go, God will recognize your sacrifice and He will strengthen and support you the whole way through.

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Missionary Update – Sister Jensen

Missionary Update – Sister Jensen

Going to church and having the gospel in my life put those trials in perspective and allowed me to overcome them and become better because of them. Because I could see the difference it made in my life, the Lord blessed me with a strong desire to serve and share that joy with others.

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Where are they now? – Whitaker Family

Where are they now? – Whitaker Family

Kevin and Lori Whitaker called the Hickory Stake their home for many wonderful years before a work-related transfer in 2008 took the family to Texas. Kevin served as Stake President of the Hickory Stake from November 2004 to November 2008… The Whitakers shared how much they love and miss the people in Hickory.

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Missionary Update – Elder Aiken

Missionary Update – Elder Aiken

The recent changes in contacting our families have been a great help for me personally. I love my family alot and it is great to be able to talk with them every week! Also since I am leaving my mission soon it is nice to be able to talk to my parents about my future plans when I get home.

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Missionary Update – Elder Farr

Missionary Update – Elder Farr

As I have learned how to speak and understand, I have realized how much God is helping with the language. After three years of studying Spanish, compared to 3 months studying Danish, I am WAY better at Danish. I know that the gift of tongues is a huge blessing in my efforts to learn Danish.

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