Called to Serve – Elder Barzee

Blake Barzee

Collected by Brother Mayle

July 26, 2019

Where were you called to serve? When and where do you report?

I was called to serve in the Utah Ogden Mission. I report September 18, 2019, to the Provo Mission Training Center.

What have you learned about this area?

I’ve learned that there is a lot of member support and I will be doing a lot of teaching and I will probably gain a lot of weight.

Ogden Temple

What were your initial thoughts when you read where you’d serve?

I was initially surprised that I would be serving in a place where my family resides.  I prayed about it to the Lord and I knew that it was where I was supposed to be and I have one of the strongest desires to go and serve there.

How did you come to your decision to serve a mission?

I’ve always wanted to serve my mission ever since I’ve been young and it felt right to go leave after I graduated high school.  I love my Heavenly Father and serving a Mission is something that I can do to show my love to my Father in Heaven and the people of the Ogden Utah Mission.

What are you most excited about in serving?

I am excited about the new people I will meet and being able to share what I know to be true with others.  It will bring me joy in seeing how the gospel can really change someone’s life.

How are you preparing temporally and spiritually for your mission?

I am working to earn money and trying to stay in good shape.  I have been reading and pondering the scriptures everyday including study in Preach My Gospel.  I have also been going on splits with the missionary to learn from great examples.

What advice would you give to the youth about the preparation process?

Always follow the spirits prompting and try your best to stay worthy.  Don’t be afraid to share your testimony, it is one of the greatest blessings that we have as members of the church.

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