Missionary Update – Elder Lee

Elder Lee

Collected by Brother Mayle

February 13, 2020

Tell us about your mission and the people.  Tell us an interesting fact about the area of the world where you serve.

I serve in the Sacramento mission. It covers 11 stakes. I am a Hmong speaking missionary and there are only a few Hmong missionaries in the mission. I serve in the Hmong ward or branches. The Hmong people in general are a nice people. Sacramento is known to be the city of trees.

Why did you decide to serve a mission?

Serving a mission has been the best thing to do after high school. I made it a goal to go on a mission after high school when I was 12. I always saw the benefits that missionaries always got out of a mission and how there life change. For me, personally, I want that and to be the Lord’s servant.  

Elder Lee
Elder Lee inviting all to come unto Christ

What advice do you have for the youth and YSAs members of the stake that are contemplating serving a mission?

For the Youth and YSA contemplating to go, all I would have to say is to just go. It’s going to be hard, but just go. You progress a lot in life and see so much more. There are so many blessing in serving a mission. You don’t want to miss out on those blessing.

As the Youth Program of the church is changing, do you have any activities that you feel would be really helpful for future missionaries?  Any activities that you’ve done with your Mission President or in your zones that were really meaningful?

As the Youth Program has change, it is all about self-reliance. So as a missionary, you have to be accountable for all the things you do. Some activities that have help me out is setting goals and working on it. Then come back a week later and see how you progress what you need to work on. Another is having missionaries teaching class. Missionaries share a lot and can help a lot.

Were there any fears that you had when you were considering serving a mission that you found were simply not warranted or melted away after you began serving?

Before I went on a mission, I had the fear of what the MTC and field was going to be like, but when you get there; your fears go away – mine have.

What lessons have you learned through your daily effort of serving the Lord and his sons and daughters?

Some lessons I have learn is that you are on the Lord’s errand and you cannot waste time. 

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