Missionary Update – Elder Cornia

Elder Cornia baptism

Collected by Brother Mayle

October 30, 2019

Tell us about your mission and the people.  Tell us an interesting fact about the area of the world where you serve.

Elder Cornia

I’m in the McAllen Texas Mission. My mission takes the whole Río Grande Valley on the southern border of Texas. It covers from Laredo to Brownsville and than back up to Corpus Christi. My mission is the only mission in the United States where everyone is called to serve both English and Spanish. It’s the biggest baptizing mission in the North American South West. They just announced a temple being built here in this last general conference. In some places in my mission it gets over 125 degrees. I’ve learned that when you are outside and it’s over 115 degrees it starts to hurt and burn your eyes to be out.

Elder Cornia hydrating
Elder Cornia staying hydrated!

Why did you decide to serve a mission?

I decided to serve a mission cause it’s my priesthood duty and I wanted to serve others.

What advice do you have for the youth and YSAs members of the stake that are contemplating serving a mission?

Just pray about it. Don’t allow anyone to tell you that you must do it. If the Lord calls you to the work than he’s called you. But remember you wanna be one who is on the Lord’s side. Willing to set aside yourself to serve him. Seek the will of the Lord in all things. Pray about it. 

As the Youth Program of the church is changing, do you have any activities that you feel would be really helpful for future missionaries?  Any activities that you’ve done with your Mission President or in your zones that were really meaningful?

Spending an hour in the morning filling myself with gospel and love to ready myself for the day.

What lessons have you learned through your daily effort of serving the Lord and his sons and daughters?

Just love everything and everyone.

Elder Cornia and a chicken
Elder Cornia loving everything and everyone!

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