Journeys of Faith – Rigo Marulanda

Rigo Marulanda and Kathy Molina Diaz

Collected by Brother Mayle

September 6, 2019

What follows is the journey of Rigo Marulanda to the waters of baptism and, about 1 year later, to the altar of the temple to be sealed to his eternal companion, Kathy. You may need to pull out a map for this journey, as we are about to cover the globe!

Rigo was born in Colombia, South America. When he was 4 years old, his father moved to the United States and, eventually, to Statesville, NC. At age 14, Rigo moved with his mother to Spain. At some point along the way, Rigo’s father submitted the paperwork (about a decade-long process) to allow Rigo to join him in the United States if he desired.

After finishing school in Spain, at the young age of 19, Rigo joined the Spanish Army. Over the next 12 years, Rigo served his country as a paratrooper with deployments in Afghanistan in 2008 and 2012. Rigo mentioned that he spent some time in other countries as well.

About 1 year prior to the end of his military career, Rigo was walking down the street in Ciudad Real, Spain. He saw two missionaries coming towards him. Usually he would move to the side and avoid a situation like this, but this time was different. While Rigo had considered himself a religious person growing up, his time in the military and the things he experienced had caused him to feel far from Heavenly Father. But just prior to seeing the missionaries, he had experienced a strong impression that started to restore his relationship. Upon hearing the message from the missionaries, Rigo agreed to investigate the church. For the next year, he was taught by the missionaries and attended church.

Rigo Marulanda, Bishop Ruppe, Statesville Ward
Baptism on May 26, 2018

Just 2 days after finishing his 12 year military career, Rigo moved to the United States and headed to Statesville, North Carolina. The missionaries in Spain met with Rigo via Skype alongside 2 missionaries in Statesville. Rigo continued to grow in the gospel. He was baptized 4 months later on May 26, 2018. The move to North Carolina also led to meeting Kathy Molina Diaz from the Statesville Ward. Rigo and Kathy were married on November 17, 2018, and sealed on June 15, 2019.

Rigo said that the Lord had prepared him for what was coming. He was drawn to the doctrine of Eternal Families. He also liked that the missionaries always taught that he was entitled to his own testimony and that he should pray to know whether it was true. Rigo received the answer he was looking for.

As a Spanish speaker in a predominately English area, Rigo has a unique perspective to offer. He shared that he had taken English classes through school and also that in the military, they did speak ‘tactical English’, but conversational English is difficult. Even when you know English, accents can make conversation challenging – Rigo mentions that he reads and writes much better than he speaks and understands. Having Spanish missionaries to begin his investigating was key. And having translation services can be really helpful. Rigo said that he misses a lot at church, but is doing his best to improve his English. Mostly, he just encourages the members to make those that don’t speak English as their primary language feel part of the church family. He said that not speaking English is isolating, so having people reach out in whatever way they can is certainly welcome.

Rigo has experienced many blessings through his membership in the church. He knows the Lord so much better now and he feels the comfort of the Holy Ghost. He also has seen that with little effort on his part, he has experienced great blessings. And, of course, he mentions Kathy as one of those great blessings.

Rigo Marulanda and Kathy Molina Diaz
Rigo and Kathy at the Atlanta Temple

So what is next for Rigo? He is currently working in Newton at the Target Distribution Center while attending Mitchell Community College and would like to eventually become an engineer.

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