Day in the Life of a Temple Worker – Brother Nehls

Collected by Brother Mayle

April 30, 2019

Have you ever wondered what it’s like to serve in the temple? In this post, we hear from Brother Nehls, a Columbia Temple worker from the Hickory Ward.

Brother Nehls works the second shift on the second and fourth Saturday of each month. Generally, the temple prefers a commitment of two shifts a month.

The shift begins with an opening meeting at 11:30am and is normally over at 4:30pm. The opening meeting includes training. The workers also receive specific instruction for the day’s shift, including notification on any individuals that will be at the temple for their own endowment or sealing. The workers are then provided their assignments for the day. Your assignment could include officiating an endowment session, staffing the recommend desk, an assignment for initiatory or sealing sessions, or anything else that the temple needs that day to help accomplish the will of the Lord. Workers receive a break during their shift. There is always help available when you have questions.

It is just great to get out of the world for 4-5 hours. Helping individuals accomplish their goals for the day is highly rewarding plus the spiritual feelings associated with some individuals and their names that they are performing the ordinance for. Overall a very rewarding experience.

Brother Nehls

Brother Nehls has been a temple worker for over 9 years at the Columbia, South Carolina Temple. About 9 years ago, he went to the Temple for an interview to become a veil worker (an assignment that no longer exists) and, during the interview, he was asked whether he would consider an assignment as an ordinance worker. Later that day, Brother Nehls was set apart as an ordinance worker!

Over those 9 years, Brother Nehls has experienced so many blessings that he could go on and on. Working at the temple blesses all aspects of his life. He shares that he has cancer, but it is now in remission and he has enough financial resources to meet all of his needs. He has surely been blessed by the Lord for his incredible service.

Being in the temple regularly provides so many spiritual experiences. For Brother Nehls, each day has it’s own little highlights. Several years ago he gave a sister a number of his family names to hand out during one of the Stake Temple days when he was working at the temple.  About 9 months later, he was asked on his shift to help with sealings. What a wonderful experience when the names of those that were being sealed in the Lord’s Holy House that day were the same names that he had provided to that sister 9 months earlier. They were his own family names and he was able to participate in the sealing ordinance. On another occasion, Brother Nehls was in the sealing room and the name that was presented was one of his own family names for which he had been unable to find the information.

In addition to the wonderful spiritual experiences in the temple, Brother Nehls loves reconnecting with members, especially those that he hasn’t seen in several years when they visit the temple. He also loves working alongside his friends from the Hickory Stake.

Being a temple worker is a choice experience. If you have an interest in serving at the temple, Brother Nehls recommends that you open a conversation with your Bishop. The Temple Presidency is always looking for additional help. In fact, many of the Raleigh Temple workers will be released in August from their Columbia Temple assignments as they return to serve in Raleigh. Brother Nehls estimates that the Columbia Temple could need upwards of 70 ordinance workers.

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