Missionary Update – Elder Spencer Farr

Elder Spencer Farr

Collected by Brother Mayle

April 18, 2022

Tell us about your mission and the people.  Tell us an interesting fact about the area of the world where you serve.

Elder Farr and Companion

My mission is the Brazil Goiânia Mission, it has parts of 3 different states. Goiás, Minas Gerais, and Matto Grosso. The people here are largely religious and very welcoming and open to missionaries.

Spiritualism, which was created by Chico Xavier, is the main religion here in Minas Gerais where I am serving right now, they believe in reincarnation. 

The clouds here in Brazil are magnificênt. 

Why did you decide to serve a mission?

I am serving a mission because young men of the church have an obligation to serve and because like president Nelson said, the gathering of Israel is the most important event in history, it’s why we were sent to earth, so I will do my part and serve faithfully. 

What advice do you have for the youth and YSAs members of the stake that are contemplating serving a mission?

There is no better decision in your life, than to serve a mission. If you don’t believe me, believe the apostles and prophet. The extreme emphasis on missionary work this past General conference demonstrates the importance of this great work. 

A mission is not just the best two years of your life, but the best two years for your life. The experiences and knowledge you gain will bless you and your family to come for eternity. 

With the new focus on “Love, Share, and Invite”, what advice would you have to members of the Hickory Stake as to how we could catch the vision and apply this model in our own lives?

Something that I didn’t realize before my mission is that sharing the gospel is super easy. All you need to do is explain why you do the things you do, why you live your life abiding by the gospel prínciples, and how you are blessed because of these things. 

Don’t be afraid to share your beliefs.

For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek.

Romans 1:16

Were there any fears that you had when you were considering serving a mission that you found were simply not warranted or melted away after you began serving?

Obviously it is difficult learning a new language, but the gift of tongues is real. God will magnify your efforts.

Living in a foreign country is very different, the people, the culture, the food, everything. It just takes time to get adjusted. Put your Trust in the Lord and everything will be okay. 

What lessons have you learned through your daily effort of serving the Lord and his sons and daughters?

Obedience brings blessings, but exact Obedience brings miracles. Sometimes it is difficult to follow the rules, but you will always be blessed for your efforts. And when you are obedient you have the companionship of the spirit, and without the spirit you will have no success.

Life has many challenges and we don’t always understand why, but if we have faith and trust in the Lord, he will consecrate our challenges for our benefit. 2 Nephi 2

The prínciple of 4 floor last door. When we make Sacrifices, when we work until 9:30, work through the pouring Rain, when we do things that are uncomfortable for us, that is when the Lord steps in and the miracles happen. “It’s after all we have done that we are saved by grace” 2 Nephi 25:23 

Love the people, share the gospel because you have a desire for the welfare of their souls, not because you want to be the baptism champion.

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