A Little About the Hickory Stake Journey Blog

Collected by Brother Mayle

April 15, 2019

Public Affairs is not just about publicity, generating media coverage, or bringing the church out of obscurity. It is about building relationships and creating understanding.

President Ballard

With this counsel in mind, the Hickory Stake Public Affairs Committee is introducing the Hickory Stake Journey Blog.  The primary purpose of the blog is to strengthen relationships within our stake by sharing our successes.  One of the great blessings of leadership service in the church is witnessing all of the wonderful acts of love and service that occur so routinely throughout our stake.  We hope that the information presented in this blog will inspire action as we both celebrate the successes of others as well as learn from the selfless love of others.

The goals of the Blog include:

  • Building stronger relationships and community throughout the stake
  • Assisting Ward Councils in gaining insight into successes and ideas from around the stake
  • Supporting our Social Media efforts
  • Providing another avenue for Stake Council members to share insight and training

We hope that you find the information presented in this blog to be uplifting as we all march along our path to Jesus Christ.

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